Historical Oldtown, Medieval Underground & Dungeon Tour

Historical Oldtown, Medieval Underground & Dungeon Tour

2024 Schedule :

DAILY in English *
SUMMER SEASON (1. Apr – 1. Oct)
at 1 pm and 6:45 pm
WINTER SEASON* (1. Oct – 1. Apr)
at 1 pm and 5:30 pm
(*Exc. Dec. 24,25 & 31st eve.)

For more available slots and tour times
e.g. 10:30 am, 3pm, 5:30 pm, 7:45 pm
see please the Booking Section Calendar


The city of Prague may be famous for its beautiful architecture but there are not only the treasures which are visible on first sight on the streets. Beneath the town is an other city. The one from before. Visit the Oldtown area and the old city undeground from the 12th and 13th century and even older, tour through the hidden rooms, corridors, cellars up to 2 floors beneath the ground and listen to the 1000 years of history of the town. Many times rebuilt, forgotten and again discovered, theese historical undergrounds give an insight into the past, unknown facts , secrets and relations and give a picture of the life in medieval times.You will see the historical expositions, the secret alchemyst laboratory and down in the Dungeon fear about medieval torture and executions…


  • Romanesque and gothic underground from the 12 & 13th century
  • Interesting facts from the town history, the floods of 2002 & 2013
  • Historical expositions of weapons, death & life in medieval times
  • Story of oldtown executions and the secret alchemyst laboratory
  • The Dungeon with the medieval torture and execution instruments

TICKETS: we recommend booking online in advance, other available tickets can be purchased also before the start at the Starting point (Ticket Office, always 10 min before the start) in cash or card


80 Min. +


Adult: 650 Czk

Student/Sen.: 600 Czk

T O U R   G A L L E R Y

Prague Underground Tours - Starting point