Following the completion, installation and grand opening ceremony the Town Councilors were so proud of the clock that it occurred to them that Hanus could possibly be commissioned by another city to build an even grander, more impressive timepiece. The councilors debated in secret how to best prevent this from happening and they decided for a cruel plan.
Late one cold evening while Hanus was at his workshop there was a loud knock at his door. He opened it to three hooded figures who burst in and tied Hanus to a chair. One of the men went to the glowing fire and thrust a poker into the glowing embers. When the poker was red hot he used it to blind the confused and frightened clockmaker.
Fully recovered, Master Hanus asked his apprentice to take him to his beloved Orloj. With deft hands Master Hanus felt carefully among the cogs and gears finally setting upon the piece he was seeking. With an almighty wrench he pulled from the mechanism a vital component. The mechanism slowed and ground to a halt and, at that very moment, Hanus dropped dead on the spot.
The clock refused all attempts to make it work and those who tried to repair it either died or went mad.
It is said that the spirit of Master Hanus remains and still walks the tower.
A further legend gives the Skeleton magical power of foretelling the future and says that if the clock is left damaged for a long time, hard times will result for the Czech nation.